No one wants to have to minimize all their windows so they can hunt around their desktop for the My Computer link. Thankfully, you can easily include My Computer as a menu on your taskbar so you can quickly jump to any of your drives. Adding a My Computer to the task bar is extremely […]
Tag: Windows 7
It’s very rare that I use Telnet these days, so it took a long time for me to notice that by default it was not packaged with Windows 7. I did some research and found out that this was also true for Windows Vista. More than likely this was an attempt to make Windows more […]
Since I’m currently taking Windows 7 for a test drive I had to set up a copy VirtualBox with Ubuntu 8.10 in order to make use of the terminal (I can’t stand PuTTY or any other Windows alternative). In the past I had always used VMWare so this was my first venture into the land […]