The Arduino Playground does a pretty good job of directing users on how to install Arduino on Debian based distributions but there were a couple of spots where I found it was lacking, and had to go out to do my own research. The main thing it lacked was instructions on how to set up […]
Tag: Linux
It’s been a while since I’ve written about Arduinos so I thought I’d share a project that I’m working on right now. It’s somewhat similar to the Reverse Geocache box that everyone was going nuts over a while back but yet very different. I must point out that I had already started developing it before […]
I was just trying to install Pine on one of my Ubuntu based boxes and had an issue getting it installed. It seems there’s no 64 bit binary available so I figured I’d try Alpine instead since it was in the apt-get repository. So I did a quick sudo apt-get install alpine and was prompted […]