
Disable the iPhone’s Repeat Alert

The iPhone has one default feature that drives just about everyone mad, the repeat alert. It causes the phone to give you an audio reminder of your new text message up to an additional two times if you don’t go and read it right away. I can see some cases where this many be handy, […]

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iPhone Firmware and Baseband Versions

Here you have it, the complete list of iPhone and iPod touch firmware versions available for download. Enjoy Device Version Baseband IPSW iPhone 2G 1.0 03.12.06_G iPhone1,1_1.0_1A543a_Restore.ipsw iPhone 2G 1.0.1 03.12.06_G iPhone1,1_1.0.1_1C25_Restore.ipsw iPhone 2G 1.0.2 No download available iPhone 2G 1.0.2 03.14.08_G iPhone1,1_1.0.2_1C28_Restore.ipsw iPhone 2G 1.1.0 No download available iPhone 2G 1.1.1 04.01.13_G iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw iPhone […]

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