Although I’m sure i played on all of these nights, unfortunately I’m not good at remembering to blog about it so I’m writing this a few days later and I have no recollection of what I worked on. I believe it was mostly games and a bit of Learn a Song for each night. I […]
Tag: Guitar
Today I officially signed up for the 60 Day Challenge on the Ubisoft site. I should point out that I attempted to do this several times in the past but could not. The site would always ask me to log in when I clicked the link, despite being logged in already. If I retyped my […]
Thankfully today was a holiday and I was able to make up for some lost time on the weekend. I spent some time trying out some Guitarcade games I hadn’t yet tried and found that Return to Castle Chorddead was also a lot of fun to play. Unfortunately my barred F chord is not the […]