Well, it’s official — Steve Jobs is dead. Not a huge surprise to everyone with him recently stepping down as CEO, but certainly a game changing event in the tech industry. Known to many as a visionary, to some the leader of a cult, whatever you consider the main to have been you can’t deny his incredible contributions to the industry. With Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook failing to impress many of Apple’s following and this recent blow one can’t help but wonder what is in store for this booming company.
Job’s dominance in the market stretched out well beyond that of Apple. He owned considerable shares in Disney after it’s acquisition of Pixar for which we can thank for making digital animation what it is today. With over 100 million people owning an iPhone and numerous other gadgets such as the iMac, iPod, AppleTV or the MacBook his legacy can be found world wide, piece by piece in everyone’s homes.
But what will become of what he has left behind? Will Apple continue to push forward with new technologies that continue to redefine the market? Will Tim Cook be able to develop the same cult like following in America’s youth? Or will Apple once again fade away into just a memory? Although I have never been the biggest fan of Apple, and can often quite vocal about my distaste for some of their practices, I hope that Cook does manage to do what Jobs has done, and hopefully even more. The more super powers we have in the tech industry the more competition there is, the more growth there is, and the more fun gadgets and services there are for all of us peons out there to play with.
Currently Apple’s site is quite displaying a picture of Jobs with the years 1955-2011 written next to it. After clicking the image one is presented with the following text:
These are the words of his successor, Tim Cook, who now holds the reins in his hands.
A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.