Thankfully today was a holiday and I was able to make up for some lost time on the weekend. I spent some time trying out some Guitarcade games I hadn’t yet tried and found that Return to Castle Chorddead was also a lot of fun to play. Unfortunately my barred F chord is not the greatest and it’s the 3rd one it focuses on so I kept getting killed as a result. Hopefully this game will be what pushes me to finally master that barre chord.
I also spent some time on Slide Ninja. While this was a cute game I’m still not sold on it. A lot of the slides were not what I believe to be real world slides. Compared to the sliding lesson where I got to learn a really cool riff Slide Ninja really only seemed to focus on getting you to stop on the right fret or your ninja would fall off and die if you went too far. It also lacks the addictiveness of Scale Warriors or Castle Chorddead. Hopefully as I progress in this game it will get more challenging and teach me some interesting stuff.
After finishing up in the Guitarcade I spent about an hour going through the Sliding lesson with Riff Repeater and was able to dramatically improve my score.
I then moved onto Every Breath You Take by The Police. Not my favourite song by the band but if you take out the mushy lyrics the guitar work is actually interesting and fun to play. After playing this song through a bit it ramped up the difficulty and I realized my fingering was all wrong, so before I went any further I decided to jump out of RS2014 and watch some videos on YouTube of how to play the song correctly.
I then spent some time practicing some scales and chords on my own, not just what RS2014 taught me but also stuff I’ve learned in the past. I found that while I have forgotten a lot of stuff my fingers remember more than I would have expected.

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.