My old four point surround speakers blew awhile back. Since then I’ve been living off the two half watt speakers that are built into my Acer AL722 LCD monitor. They aren’t bad speakers, for that wattage, but they lack a sub and everything sounds a bit hollow. So I’d been reading reviews on different speakers for some time and had several models in mind when I went to Staples, but for some reason I walked out with the cheapest speakers that came with a subwoofer. I realized even that would be an improvement over what I’d been using for speakers so I decided that I’d cheap out and see just how bad they were. At $39.99 CDN I didn’t expect much in terms of quality, but I had two workstations in need of speakers so I figured I couldn’t go all out on both sets.
The two promoted features seemed to be it’s remote control module and their stow away wire system. The control module was nothing to write home about but the ability to wind up extra wiring at each satellite speaker is definitely appreciated. However this system suffers from an extreme case of short wires. Sure, you can wrap them up and hide what extra but you’re not going to be able to put the speakers anywhere useful. With my two satellite speakers on the desk and the wires dropping through a hole in the desk they just barely reach the subwoofer where they plug in. This means they can only sit about 30-40cm apart on my desk. This may work for a laptop but for a comfortable desktop setup that wont do. Thankfully I had an extension cable around and was able to remedy that problem.
- Cables are too short
- Sound quality is surprisingly decent
- Dirt Cheap! ($40)
- Ideal for laptop based workstations
So if you’re just looking for cheap run of the mill speakers, go a head and pick these up. They’re well worth the $40 and will get you some decent sound for your desktop or laptop computer. They’re not going to make an impressive sound system for a media center or gaming system but if they’re all you can afford they’re certainly far better than any laptop or built-in speakers. And they’re Logitech, a well respected company for their mice, keyboards and other peripherals — so you know you can’t go wrong there!!

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.