If security isn’t a concern for you, you may decide to set your Windows 7 system to log into your account automatically each time you boot. In previous versions of Windows you had to start tweaking the registry or use a program such as TweakUI to do this for you. In Windows 7, a GUI has been provided for you to enable automatic log ins.
Start off by opening the Run dialog box. In Windows 7 this will not be found in your start menu, so you will have to hold the Windows key and hit R. Once the dialog box pops up enter control userpasswords2 and hit ok.
A new dialog box will pop up that shows the users in your system. Simply pick the user you would like to automatically log in, and then unselect the option Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. After doing so, hit Ok to save and close the dialog box.
Now to test it out, just reboot your computer. You should automatically be logged into your account!

A seasoned Senior Solutions Architect with 20 years of experience in technology design and implementation. Renowned for innovative solutions and strategic insights, he excels in driving complex projects to success. Outside work, he is a passionate fisherman and fish keeper, specializing in planted tanks.
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